Each day is an unanswered question, an unsolved problem. Dreams are followed, forgotten and achieved. Secrets are shared and lost. Friendships end and begin. Everything is changing. There are few constants...but, there is one. My one constant.....Jesus. Through everything that I face in my life, from pain and heartache to joy and excitement......He is there. He is ALWAYS there. Sometimes I need Him more than others. Sometimes I think I can do this on my own. Which in actuality is laughable because there is no way. I am a human, I am imperfect, I am flawed and more often than not I am incredibly selfish. I don't think this makes me a bad person but I do think in my weakness, He is made stronger. I know with an unshakable certainty that my life would be incredibly insignificant and completely worthless if I couldn't wake up each morning, breathe in and out, and know that He is with me. Each step, each breath.....always there.
So, yes, sometimes I feel like I don't fit. I feel lost and confused and completely exhausted trying to find my place in this world. My mind is whirring with questions in desperation to be able to grab hold of something. Something tangible. Something that matters.
Then it's the end of the day and I have no choice...... I finally have to let it all go. Let go of wanting to have control. Let go of thinking I have all the answers.....and that's when it happens. That's when I hear Him say, "You are NOT alone." Release. I can breathe. I am once again reminded that He is ALWAYS there. Not there in the beginning, or there in the end, but all the way through.
I am human. I am imperfect. I am flawed. I am loved. I am NEVER alone. YOU are NEVER alone.